Thursday, November 21, 2013


This was a perfect Saturday. This family is so cute, and the kids were so so adorable. Such fun personalities.


These guys were such troopers! Because of the time change, the "golden hour" for lighting is now earlier.  So it was, cold, early and a Saturday but we still had so much fun and these kids were so good! Such a good looking family. We were so sad all the leaves were gone, but I am now in love with dead tall grass.

Baby Austin

Kanyin and I took the trip up to Malvern PA to visit our friends. It was so fun meeting baby Austin. He was seriously such a chill baby. I could have held him all day!

Big sister is good at counting brothers toes

Beautiful RED hair! So jealous. 


Forbidden Drive is a beautful place! You put it with a good looking family and you have some great pictures. After our very last photo, poor little Emerie took a face plant into the gravel. I felt so bad! She was a trooper.

The sun was perfect at the end of the shoot.


Last year, Eve did not want her picture taken. This year she was such an angel and was a good little model for me! Such good kids. I alway love taking photos of this family!

Eve did not want to be left out :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Kay & Neil

These two are so in love, it's just so cute. I could have taken pictures of them all day. What an exciting time in their lives. Here is a little glimpse of their photo shoot in Nakamixon State Park.